About Us

About Us
Bank On Atlanta works to connect everyone to safe and affordable financial products and services.
Our Vision for Atlanta is one city with one bright future. A city of safe, healthy, connected neighborhoods with an expansive culture of equity, empowering upward mobility and full participation for all residents, embracing youth development, and an innovative, dependable government moving Atlanta forward, together. Bank On Atlanta embraces the citywide goals we put forth in that vision by providing financial empowerment tools to ensure that all Atlantans will continue to thrive in our growing and prosperous city.
Mayor Andre Dickens

Our Mission

Bank On Atlanta is a program with a mission to empower individuals and families to improve their financial capability, health, and independence. The program connects residents to safe and affordable accounts at our partner banks and credit unions in the Atlanta area.

Bank On Atlanta offers classes, educational resources, and supportive financial services that can help pave the way to financial stability and open doors to having a stronger credit report, creating emergency savings, home ownership, and starting your own business. We also connect aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners with safe, low-cost accounts at our partner banks and credit unions.

Our History

 In September 2017, the City of Atlanta convened a cross-sector group of stakeholders to build a task force and working groups for the development of Bank On Atlanta. With an unbanked rate of 7.5% and underbanked rate of 27.9%, the group identified strategies to increase collaborative efforts that would connect Atlanta residents to safe and affordable mainstream financial products and services. This impressive group is committed to helping Atlanta residents engage in the financial mainstream so they can increase their wealth-building opportunities.

Members represent financial institutions, community-based organizations and local government that provide products, services and resources including financial and entrepreneurial education, personal and business coaching and counseling, credit building and savings programs, employment assistance, and a variety of additional financial empowerment programming.


Bank On Greater Atlanta is proud to be part of the national Bank On movement, made up of dozens of similar local coalitions across the country.

The nonprofit Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund (CFE Fund) is the national partner for local Bank On coalitions, supporting local efforts through resources like the Bank On National Account Standards and accompanying certification, grant support to build local coalition capacity, and a robust learning community. The CFE Fund also works to give voice to local coalition experiences by informing both federal regulatory policy and financial institution practices.